„O Fātimah I swear by the One Who rightly appointed me that Al Mahdi is from your sons‟ offspring. Ours are the two princes of this Ummah, and they are your sons, Al Hassan and Al Hussein, and they are the lieges of the youths of Paradise-dwellers, and their father, by the One Who sent me with the Truth, is better than them. Moreover, the one who possesses two green wings is from us, he shall fly with them in Paradise along with the angels to whichever place he wishes, he is your father's cousin and the brother of your husband. Our martyr is the best of the martyrs and the most cherished of them to Allah, the Exalted, and he is Hamzah Ibn „Abd al-Mutallib, your father‟s and your husband‟s uncle. My successor is the best of the successors, and the most cherished of them to Allah, the Exalted, and he is your husband. | I am the Seal of the Messengers and the most dignified of the apostles before Allah, the Exalted, and the most cherished of the creation to Allah, the Exalted, and I am your father. Musnad Ahmad 3\17, Al Ehssan according to Ibn Haban Sahih 8\291 H 6787, Al Mustdrak „Ala Al Sahihin 4\600 H 8669 2 Sunan Ibn Majah 2\1368 H 4086, Sunan Abu Dawood 4\104 H 4284, Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer 23\267 H 566, Al Mustdrak „Ala Al Sahihin 4\601 H 86. Neither those before us nor those who will come after us will have the privilege of those seven things. „O Fātimah, we are such an Ahl al-Bait that Allah (the Exalted) has given us privilege of seven things which others do not possess. Then he looked Thereafter and selected your husband and sent me revelation to marry you to him. The Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) raised his head to her and said, “My darling, what is making you cry?” She said, “I fear the loss after you.” He said, “My darling, don‟t you know that Allah, the Exalted, looked down on earth and selected your father. Fātimah was at his overhead and she was crying so profusely until her whimpers rose.

Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) as he was in the malady in which he passed away. *** The 5th Hadith His saying (peace and prayers be upon him and his family): Al Mahdi is from the Progeny of Al Hassan and Al Hussein „Ali - Ibn- „Ali – Al Hellali narrates from his father who said: “I entered upon the Ibn El Hussein narrated from his father (peace be upon them): The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) said to Fātimah (Peace be upon her): “Al Mahdi is from your progeny” 2. *** The 4th Hadith His Statement to Fātimah (Peace be upon her) that the Mahdi is from her. | The 3rd Hadith Narrated Abu Sa„īd al-Khidri: The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) said: “The Hour shall not come until a man from among Ahl al-Bait owns the earth, he will fill the earth with fairness and justice as it was filled with oppression and injustice before him and he will rule for seven years” 1. Sunan Ibn Majah 2\1366 H 4083, Musnad Ahmad 3 \21, Sunan Al Tirmizi 5\ 439 Musnad Ahmad 3\28, P 70, Al Mustdrak „Ala Al Sahihin 4\ 601 H 8674 *** The 2nd Hadith Al Mahdi and that he is from the family of the Messenger of Allah (May Allah grant peace and honor to him and his family) Narrated Abu Sa„īd al-Khidri: The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) said: “The earth will be filled with injustice and corruption, at that time, a man from among my progeny will rise will fill the earth with justice and equity, he will rule for seven or nine years”2. My Ummah will enjoy blessings in his time they have never had before, both the veracious and the dissipated, God will send them rain that pour from heavens in abundance and the earth will bring forth all that grows” 1.

| The 1st Hadith Al Mahdi’s Reign and the Ummah’s bliss in his time Narrated Abu Sa„īd al-Khidri: The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) said: “Al Mahdi will be of my Ummah, He will rule seven years, otherwise eight, or otherwise nine.

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful Praise be to Allah as he should be praised And prayer and peace upon our master Muhammad His messenger and slave Thereafter, These are forty Prophet's Hadith (May Allah grant peace and honor to him and his family) about the Mahdi Care should be take in reading the translation as no other words can express the true meaning of what was said. The translation does not represent the actual words spoken by The Prophet ﷺ. The following text is an attempt at a translation from the original Arabic into English. The Forty Hadith About the Mahdi By Hafiz Abu Na‟eem Al Asbahny Died in 430 A.H.